
Confidence & Clarity: Inside our May 14th Workshop

What an awesome experience we had on May 14th for our 3HAG Workshop with best-selling author of 3HAG WAY Shannon Susko. What is 3HAG? It stands for 3-year Highly Achievable Goal. It is the bridge between your Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) and your smaller goals. Shannon Susko’s 3HAG Framework will allow your company to connect your business's daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and year-of-execution goals and align them with your 3-year Highly Achievable Goal, so that you are always on track to achieve your BHAG. It is a tool for leaders to be able to create a strategy and execute it with confidence and clarity. Our workshop provided a day of training with Leaders who walked away with practical and simple tools to implement their company’s 3 year plan.

Ethan Martin is honored to become the 1st US based coach to be certified in the 3HAG Way, and we are excited to continue working with Shannon to help give more leaders the tools and gain the confidence, clarity to succeed.

Missed the workshop but want to learn more about 3HAG? Please reach out to us to learn more.