Happy Holidays! A Great Time for Reflection & Planning

As the New Year begins, we have found that this is a good time to review achievements in 2011 and opportunities for new growth in 2012.  With the experts predicting another year of uncertainty, it is important to have a realistic plan and alignment of your senior team to lay the foundation for good execution.

Some questions to consider:
1. What are your top 3 goals for the year?
2. What are the key considerations driving these goals?
3. Do you have the right people in the right roles to achieve these goals?
4. Where may your team need additional resources?
5. What can you do in 2012 to start your legacy planning?  How can you achieve alignment between your business and philanthropy goals?

We look forward to your feedback and working together in the coming year.  2011 was a banner year for PFD Group and we are honored to be engaged with CEOs making a profound impact on their organizations.

Happy New Year!


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