
Communication: Foundation for Trust

Great communication is a key factor in the success of our clients. In our experience, not only is communication a core value for the PFD team, but we also found it to be a key factor in the success of our clients. We find many CEOs theoretically understand the importance of great communication both internally and externally, however, the execution can be difficult.

Equally, CEOs must communicate with their teams; over-communicating their vision, the core values, where they are focusing, where they are going. It is so important that this type of communication happens regularly. At PFD, we found two tools to be very effective in communicating and aligning our team.

Internal communication is a key factor for team alignment. The first tool that we recommend is a weekly CEO email. This is compiled by the senior leadership team, but edited and sent by the CEO to the entire company on a set schedule every week. Celebrating wins, reinforcing core values, and sharing KPIs can all be populated by the data in Metronome Growth Systems.

The second tool that we found to be very helpful is using growth system software to drive alignment and visibility. In our case, we have had success with Metronome Growth Systems that not only captures the company’s one-page growth plan but it also makes it easy for leaders to update their key initiatives and have awareness of what the rest of the team is working on.

We have found excellent communication to be a key success driver for high growth companies and nurturing the culture as the company grows. This is a core value for the PFD team.